
Official Blog

90Droid v2.6.2 Released

On this release we address a common concern amongst users:  Backup/Restore. Here is how it works:

In the main screen press the “menu” key and select “Backup/Restore”.

Back up

Click on the “Backup” button and the process starts:

You need to select a google account from the list (to be used to log you in)

Both your Workouts and Measurements are uploaded to a secure google server. Note: this will overwrite the previous backup.


Click on the “Restore” button and the process starts:

You need to select a google account from the list (to be used to log you in)

You will be presented with a list of devices that have had back ups using the same google account. (Useful to back up in one device and restore in another) Select one of them.

Both your Workouts and Measurements are downloaded from the cloud. Note: this will overwrite your local data.